longboarding to happiness

     The most recent moment of happiness was learning how to skateboard (specifically longboarding). The first time I ever went on one was in 5th grade; we had a unit on skateboarding, but all I remember were kids hitting the walls at high speeds and tumbling over. Anyways. The second time was with Zhaohan and Ryland. It was Zhaohan’s sister’s birthday, and for some reason, he brought a longboard with him. He took it down the road for a bit, but he improved quite a bit in the span of 30 minutes or so. Ryland and I both tried it, but I wasn’t a fan. It felt very unstable and wobbly. All I could really do was get on it and stand still.

Fast forward to this year, Zhaohan started bringing his skateboard to school and I think it set off a trend. Everyone else brought in their skateboards, and they would skate during lunch or after school on the sidewalk to Kenney or down Matthews street. I would come and watch, but never try as I felt the inclines were too much for me to handle initially. I didn’t know how to brake or anything. But I have 7th hour free while Zhaohan has class, so I started asking him if I could borrow his board to practice during 7th hour. He said yeah, and I was off to Kenney’s sidewalk trying to cruise up and down the incline. It was fun, slightly worrying but it also felt very calming just rolling down the hill. 

    After a few practice sessions, I felt as if I got good enough to the point where I would use it all the time, so I ordered a longboard off of Amazon. The moment it arrived I tore it out of its plastic wrap and skated towards the nearby trail. The trail was roughly two miles long starting from my house and was perfect for skating. Wide, flat, and not too many pedestrians meant that I could cruise as fast as I wanted to. Pop in some earbuds and that resulted in a nice evening session of skating.

    Nowadays I try to use my longboard around campus. I thought it would be hard to skate around due to the amount of students and the uneven terrain, but I find myself using it all the time to get myself around. Need to get to the Arboretum quickly to take photos of the XC event? Skate down and have time to spare. Forget lunch and need to get something from Green? Cruise through Boneyard and pick something up. It’s convenient to carry. I’m glad I put in the time to learn skateboarding, and it’s definitely something worth investing in.


  1. It's interesting that you discussed both the practical and fun elements of learning how to skate. I also liked that you gave us a narrative of your experiences with skating; your initial reluctance and then the way you later embraced it has a hobby/transportation method. I've often seen people with skateboards riding around downtown or on campus, but have never thought to try it myself, so it's cool that you took that additional step. If you stick with it (and it seems you intend to) you should be able to do flips soon. Great blog post!

  2. what a sk8er lad, like a young tony hawk in the making. glad that the grind makes you happy dude, maybe we can see a - Backside Tailslide. from u tomorrow🛹🤘rock on


  3. Sheeeeeeeeesh, he was a sk8er boy... yknow like the Avril Lavigne song, I bet youll be a super star just like the song says 🥰. Skating seems super efficient and fun for you. Waiting for the moment you ascend and implant wheels into your feet after you realize it's more efficient. Anywho... Do a kickflip!

  4. I've actually been recently thinking about trying to learn how to skateboard recently because I see all you guys doing it lol. I remember we had a skateboard unit in elementary school too and I spent the whole time by the wall trying to get my balance and stand on the skateboard without falling. Who knows though, maybe I'll be skating with you during 7th hour sometime soon.

  5. I like how you talked about how you got into skateboarding when you were younger as well as how you got into it now. That's pretty cool that you use it as both a fun activity, a stress reliever, and to get yourself places faster. Your post makes me want to learn to skateboard!

  6. I like the description of your journey becoming an insane crazy 360 no scope professional long-boarder. Your first experience, then your second experience, and then the beginning of the Uni skateboarding era. I always wanted to get into skating because it seemed efficient, but when I realize that sidewalk cracks exist, I get scared. But, I still want to learn how to do tricks on an actual skateboard.

  7. I like how you told the story of how you got into skateboarding, and I think it's great that you were able to pick up a new hobby. It definitely seems like a more convenient to get around campus!

  8. That was a great story and explains why I see everyone carrying boards now. I didn't realize you guys were the trendsetters. I'm a little jealous since I don't remember our school having a skateboard unit. I feel like I would've loved that if we did it now. Realistically though, my experience as a 5th grader would've probably gone exactly like yours. It's cool to see your comfortable with it now.

  9. Your guys' gift of a skateboard for me will be greatly appreciated, I really want to learn how to ride it for actual transportation because the size and aesthetic is super nice and convenient.

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